Event Vs Technology – It’s A Love Hate Thing
The following enlisted things will help you to understand where to invest the time and where to truly watch the side-lines.
- Embrace the Data
Big data, large data, full on marketing heaven data, whatever you need to call it, grasp it, gather it and investigate. We are currently in a period whereby we have the perfect capacity to quantifiably comprehend what our audiences need. Make inquiries and answer them with your event data. Speculate and check whether your forecasts are valid! It’s a genuine round of imposing business model promoting precisely advance around the board, put resources into the right campaigns and gain from your audience reactions , simply don’t loss the information, or offer it-you could wind up in prison (or if nothing else with a heavy claim)
- Tech for the sake of Tech
Keeping along the same theme, as pioneers in event management we observe that stripping back an event to suit the audience needs, making normal correspondence amongst representatives and having traditional, pure conversations work better than an app. Let’s all make an agreement now. ‘We shall not utilize innovation for innovation’. How incredible did that vibe!
- Impressive Tech
Getting down to the nitty gritty of tech. Augmented reality and Virtual reality are a definite in tech development. We aren’t talking apps and other fancy buttons to make an event look good, we are talking invested design with a purpose. Immersing delegates into event situations that they wouldn’t otherwise be able to experience without the technology. Now that’s what we need!
- Online Booking- Check!
Need I say more? It’s not new but it is a staple in the event management toolkit. Let delegates add their own personal touch!
So in conclusion, tech is good, tech is best but only when consumed responsibly. Know your limits and drive (innovation) carefully!
Call us on 0438 051 134 to discuss it further!!